Building Process
Step One: Initial Contact
On initial contact, we will send our questionnaire which asks a few standard questions. This ensures that we are the best suited people for your project. The questionnaire covers the type of work you are wanting to do, what stage in the process you’re at, where you live and when you’re wanting to start. Having this information upfront means we can meet your expectations.
Step Two: New Client Meeting
If we are both on the same page, we will book an onsite meeting; this gives us the opportunity to look around and really understand why and what you are wanting to achieve.If you have not consulted an architect at this stage, don’t worry; we have relationships with several of Auckland’s best Architects and can refer you to someone who will work for your project.
Skip to step four if you already have concept plans.
Step Three: Concept Plans
Your chosen architect will begin concept drawings specific to your requirements. These concepts will take into consideration your budget, as well as your ‘must haves’.These concept drawings will help to give you an idea of what your home will look like on completion.We are happy to work with any Architect: it doesn’t matter if it is one of our recommended Architects or someone we haven’t worked with before.
Step Four: Indication of Cost
We know how important your budget is. An indication of cost is an estimate of your project, completed by our Quantity Surveyor. This will give you an idea of costs which can help you make design decisions and what elements of the concept design are going to be feasible. Along with cost estimates, we can provide a timeline plan which assists with working out the full costs of the project; which is important, especially if you are going to need to move out of your home.
Step Five: Consent Process and Fixed Price Quotation
Once you are happy with the concept drawings and an indication of the cost, it’s time for your Architect to complete the full set of drawings required by the council for your building consent. It is also time for us to complete your full fixed price quotation.
A fixed price quotation is an in-depth process which takes around four weeks to complete, as we must go to our external contractors to make sure every part of your project is included and accurate.
We do our very best to ensure everything is included. With our experience, we have put together a small list of exclusions that we have found it impossible to include; feel free to ask what these include. In these cases, we will always include a provisional sum of what we believe would be an accurate estimation for your project.
Step Six : Sign Contract and Agree Start Date
When you accept our fixed price quotation, we will then discuss a start date and draw up the contracts. Closer to your start date, we hold an introduction meeting for you to meet with the Project Manager and Site Manager of your project. During this meeting, out team will go over the schedule, pointing out when we need your specific selections to prevent delays.
Step Seven: Construction Begins
Finally! We start construction on your dream home.
Throughout your project, you will have weekly site meetings with your Site Manager and Project Manager. These meetings are a great way for you to understand and see the changes as they happen and watch as your dream home takes shape.
If you want to make any changes or amendments to the plans, please let us know as early as possible, as we will need to update corresponding budgets, costs, and timelines. You will be kept fully informed if there are any unexpected and unforeseen costs during your project.
Step Eight: Move In!
You have made the final payment, the construction is complete, the house is thoroughly cleaned, and the keys are handed over, now it’s time for you to move into your dream home.
Although the house is completed, we will keep in touch and call you further down the track to see that everything is up to standard and working just the way it should.
Ready to start your project?
Contact us today for a free consultation.